Autor N-kay
Datum 09.01.2010 14:47
Beiträge: Ich versuche, auf meiner Webspace OPN zu installieren, scheitere aber schon gleich am Anfang.
Ich habe in der mainfile.empty meine Daten eingetragen, sie in mainfile umbenannt, aber da scheint irgent etwas nicht zu stimmen...
Die Fehlermeldung könnt ihr euch direkt hier ansehen.
Und so sieht meine mainfile.php aus:
* OpenPHPNuke: Great Web Portal System
* Copyright (c) 2001-2010 by
* Heinz Hombergs
* Stefan Kaletta
* Alexander Weber
* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
* See LICENSE for details.
* This software is based on various code found in the internet
* See CREDITS for details
* If you are an author of a part of opn and not you are not mentioned
* SORRY for that ! We respect your rights to your code, so please send
* an eMail to we will include you to the CREDITS asap

/* Database & System Config
* dbhost:   MySQL Database Hostname
* dbuname:  MySQL Username
* dbpass:   MySQL Password
* dbname:   MySQL Database Name
* system:   0 Crypt (*nix), 1 for Text (*nix/Windows), 2 for MD5 (*nix/Windows)

$dbhost = '';
$dbuname = '**********';
$dbpass = '***************';
$dbname = '*********';
$system = 2;
$opn_tableprefix = 'opn_';
$dbdriver = 'mysql';
/* physical path to your main opn directory with a trailing slash */

$root_path = '';

/* Needed only when installed in a subdir.
*  i.e. /server/www/opn
*  $installdir = 'opn';
*  /server/www/cms/opn
*  $installdir = 'cms/opn';

$installdir = '';

if ($dbname == '')  { die(); }

((int)include($root_path."master.php")) or die ("<br /><strong>Error: can't find master.php <br />- openPHPnuke is not correctly installed - </b><br /><br /><br /> your root_path is set to '' but this seems that this is not ok<br />edit the /mainfile.php to set this path<br /><br /> or <br /><br />run install.php to install openPHPnuke");


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Dieser Artikel kommt von: OpenPHPNuke - das Open Source CMS