Autor Gast
Datum 16.04.2008 12:50
Beiträge: dein_themetheme_dropdown_menuopnDropDownDefaultthme.js

     // HTML code to the left of the folder item
     mainFolderLeft: '<img alt="" src="' + cmopnDropDownDefaultBase + 'blank.gif">',
     // HTML code to the right of the folder item
     mainFolderRight: '<img alt="" src="' + cmopnDropDownDefaultBase + 'arrow.gif">',
     // HTML code to the left of the regular item
     mainItemLeft: '<img alt="" src="' + cmopnDropDownDefaultBase + 'blank.gif">',
     // HTML code to the right of the regular item
     mainItemRight: '<img alt="" src="' + cmopnDropDownDefaultBase + 'blank.gif">',

Der Rest ist in der theme.css


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